Sunday, September 03, 2006

Fruit and Vegetable Juices (1)

Hi, it's another weekend. Today, I am going to share with you fruit and vegetable juices for special conditions such as anemia, blood pressure, colds, . . .

As the list is rather long, will be breaking it up into 3 parts. Be on the look out.

  • Anemia - 1) Blackberry + parsley juice 2) Parsley + grape juice
  • Arthritis - Celery + parsley juice
  • Asthma - 1) Celery + papaya juice 2) Celery + endive + carrot juice
  • Bedwetting - Celery + parsley juice
  • Bladder Ailments - Celery + pomegranate juice
  • Blood pressure (high) - 1) Carrot + parsley + celery juice 2) Lime juice _ whey powder 3) Grape juice 4) Carrot juice
  • Blood pressure (low) - 1) Parsley juice 2) Capsicum + garlic juice
  • Blood Purifier - Blackberry juice + black cherry juice + parsley juice + dandelion juice + tomato juice
  • Colds - Watercress + apple juice with 1/4 teaspoon pure cream of tartar
  • Colitis - Coconut + Carrot juice
  • Complexion (yellow) - Grapefruit juice
  • Complexion problems - 1 tablespoon apple concentrated juice + 1/2 glass cucumber juice + 1/2 glass water
  • Constipation - Celery + spinach + grapefruit
  • Diarrhea - Carrot + Blackberry juice
  • Fever - Celery + parsley juice

In Singapore, one should be able to get all the fruits and vegetables list above in supermarkets. Hope these tips can help parents improve some of the conditions that they or their family maybe facing.

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