Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Learning At Home

In today’s forum, 2 writers wrote on the following topics:

Teach children to learn without being taught
Nurturing a child’s potential the way to go

Both writers made reference to PM Lee Hsien Loong’s Teachers’ Day Rally speech.

While schools play a vital role in nurturing our children’s future, parents should also play their part to help their children in self-learning. Below are some ways on how to train your children to be more independent.

Get them to:

  • bath themselves when they can stand reasonably firm (just keep a close watch, ensure the windows are close and tower is ready when they are done)
  • feed themselves as early as a few months old when they can hold a spoon (make feeding time a joy)
  • dress themselves (allow them to choose their own clothes if they so want to)
  • make their own beds every morning (it’s a good habit to inculcate)
  • take their bowls/plates/forks/spoons to the sink after meals (even if there is a maid)
  • run errands such as buying stationeries and groceries at a young age (they can even tell you what is a good bargain)
  • do simple chores such as washing dishes, sweeping/mopping the floor, folding clothes (useful on maid’s off day)
  • prepare simple meals like cooking rice/soup, frying egg/vegetables and making stews (you will be surprised they can do a better job then you do)
  • budget their expenses from their pocket money
  • save when they work during vacations

In Singapore, it is tough to rear four children. I have used the above methods and they have worked well for me. Hope other parents will also find these tips useful.

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