Thursday, March 08, 2007

Process of Successful Studying

This afternoon, I was at Huamin Primary School to share with P6 students on Perseverance for Success. The following processes were discussed:
  • Setting of clear goals
  • Planning and scheduling
  • Taking consistent action
  • Mind mapping
On goal setting, got the students to:
  • Write down what each wanted specifically, especially prelim and final PSLE results
  • List down the benefits and reasons for achieving the goal(s) - basically it's the choice of secondary school that the student aims to go to
  • Write down what course of action(s) to take to achieve the goal(s) - basically recognizing their weakness(es) and drawing up a time-table to follow
  • Set a deadline and periodically review the goal
On planning and scheduling, explained to the pupils that when drawing the time-table, it is important to be specific, e.g. indicate the amount of time allocated for each task. Quite a number of them shared that they would cut down on TV watching and computer games.

On action taking, impressed upon them that "Action speaks louder than words". After setting the goal and drawing the time-table, results will only be realized if they take action. Also quoted examples of negative thoughts like "I don't know", "I am lousy" and urged them to stop using this phrases. Instead, use "Let me think about it" and "If others can, so can I". When playing the "Nose-Ear" game which stimulates both sides of the brain, also got the teacher to join us. They sure had fun.

On mind mapping, taught them how to use keywords, colours and pictures to design their own mind maps. Showed them some examples on hand.

Though it was a short 2 hours, I sincerely hoped I did boost their moral a little and wish them all the best on their exam taking end of the year.

Singapore parents, if you have Pri 6 or Sec 4 children, do encourage them to set goals and be focused.

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